March 17, 2009


The Creating Place (3)
As you can see, the work area looks pretty much the same as it did last time I took a photo (plus a few stray buttons).

Or maybe a tad messier:

The Creating Place (1)
I'm going to be pulling a disappearing act this week while I whip up another one of these. I'm using the same pattern and the same yarn again because I need it in a hurry and this one is a sure bet. Off I go!

The Creating Place (2)
(Apparently I get very thirsty while I work.)


Katy said...

I have crocheted several blankets with Softee Chunky. I will have to try this pattern out. Look forward to seeing your FO!

Tweed Thoughts said...

Lovely to see your work space : )

Muddlepud said...

Katy, it's a great pattern for quickie baby gifts because it works up so quickly but still looks really nice. Give it a try!

Alison, you'll be seeing more of the work space photos as I make the transition to a (hopefully) more regular blog routine. :)