March 13, 2009

Look, a Heron!

You know that whole thing I said about posting a tutorial every Tuesday (because T, tutorial and Tuesday both begin with T!) and a freebie pattern every Friday (because F! You know, F!)? Well, it's Friday, and ... Yep, it's Friday.

I actually had a pattern in mind to share, but we've had some out-of-town visitors and have been too busy playing and enjoying to get much else accomplished. Beside that, I am in the process of rethinking this whole blog thing, who I am as a crafter, what I want this to be. I think I'm starting to see a clearer picture of how this should all go, and it will still include tutorials and patterns, but I'm not sure it will be Tuesday! and Friday! every week. We'll see. (I should warn you that all this thinking is going to lead to some change, including a likely name change. I am very fickle, my friends.)

Anyway, in lieu of a freebie, here's something for you to look at. I drew it digitally five-ish years ago after a boat ride through the Everglades in South Florida, where we lived for a short while. It was put together quickly and didn't take any great skill, but there's something about the colors that I like, and I remember it being an image that my dad really enjoyed. (Then again, he was always proud of everything I did. <3)

Everglades, Florida
Happy weekend!


Tweed Thoughts said...

I love these colours - there's a bit of a Japanese, calm, feel about the image. Keep us posted about your blog changes :D!

Anonymous said...

fancy, i have no idea what digital art is or how you create it, i assume on a computer ;)

i'm interested to see how your blog will evolve, you should keep the same blog address though since that's your user name on flickr and crafster right?

Muddlepud said...

Beth, yes, the image was drawn on the computer. :)

Also, you're right that a name change would mean a different name from my current "identities" elsewhere, but those identities could change too. I'm not completely sure yet what I want to do, but I'm not in love with the current name and have some other ideas that will sort of give me a fresh start now that I'm beginning to get a sense of who I want to "be" as a crafter, if that makes sense. We'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

staying posted to see what happens ;)

and sometimes i find it odd that i'm bookwormbethie everywhere (flickr, etsy, blog, craftster). when i first started being active online i was blogging first and then (probably 2 years ago) i was more bookish than stitchy so i chose my name that way.

i know my name might not indicate what i do, but i've been using it for a year or so now (longer if you count my blog) so i'm just sticking with it. i suppose for me the name recognition is more important cuz i have an etsy store....

Muddlepud said...

Eh, I think bookwormbethie is a fine name. :) Part of my consideration is the fact that I *might* somewhere down the road want to open an Etsy shop, and I don't think I want this to be my shop name. I'm trying to think ahead so I can be consistent with that if the time comes. So now I'm making lists of things I like or words that describe me (small things, houses, green, yellow, citrus, flowers--especially daisies, summer, and so on ...) in the hopes that something will inspire me with just the right combination of words. *sigh* :)

Anonymous said...

i'll have to poke around etsy more but i think lots of people use their user names for their store site (i.e. but lots of etsy people have fancy custom designed banners where their store has a totally different name.....

the right combo of words is hard to come by, i was in an etsy discussion forum and someone had the user name 'talkstounicorns' and i thought it was fantastic and i immeadiately clicked her avatar to go to her shop to see what kind of stuff she sold. you totally need to come up with some kind of "clickable" name ;)

maybe you can try to match you etsy name to the things you may want to sell? it's kind of exciting to do all that planning, even though i dont' have tons of etsy sales i really enjoy making my etsy spreadsheets to keep track of my supply inventory and my etsy inventory--- i've even dorky enough that i calculate the "cost" of each item like for my fabric, i know how many 6x8 cuts (that's the size I cut for my zippies) I can get from each half yard or yard of fabric so knowing that helps me calculate the supply costs of items I am making..... hhmmm, i'm rambling too much! hope it makes sense!

Muddlepud said...

I think I'd rather my etsy user name and shop name be the same, just so it isn't confusing. You know, so if someone doesn't bookmark my site but remembers the name and tries to just type it in.... It might not be terribly exciting, but I'm hoping for something that sort of sums things up for me. We'll see. I'm still mulling over ideas. :)

If I start a shop, I know I'll be doing the same thing, calculating costs and all. When I made all those Christmas gifts last year I kept a running tally of what each gift cost me to make. I didn't need to, but I couldn't help myself. LOL

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure on etsy there is a way to search for just user names, but that's definitely a good idea to keep the user name and store name the same to keep things simple.....

ah, it seems that of us have secret math spreadsheet geeks living inside of us ;)

in case you want to make your own etsy spreadsheet down the road, etsy does have ones you can download for free but I found that the one I made on my own better suited my needs. I have a column for (1) item, (2) date listed, (3)price, (4) date sold, (5) expenses (and I list it all out in paragraph form with the numbers & text in the cell wrapping to keep the entire spreadsheet on one page, there are too many expenses to have a column for each and thus i also do the math by hand rather than letting excel do the formulas), (6) est s/h, (7) actual s/h, and (8) profit.