I'm just dragging it out by doing other things at the same time.
Ahem. Onward.
Every year for Christmas I put together a little gift box of goodies for our closest friends. It usually consists of a couple different kinds of candy, and I usually stick with quick, easy things. This year I've gone a little overboard. Not only did I make two kinds of candy (tiger fudge and peppermint bark), but I also made two different kinds of freezer jelly (strawberry and my favorite, grape) and a little felt ornament for each box.
All of these projects by themselves are pretty easy to do and don't take much time. In fact, I made the strawberry jelly in November so that I would have less to do now. But when you combine all of them and add to that the fact that I just realized what the date is and that I am running out of time to see these friends and deliver the gifts before we all get lost in the holiday rush, you have a bit of chaos. I spent a couple of days getting it all pulled together and have finally finished. I may have done a bit more than I needed to, but the boxes look lovely and full of Christmas cheer.
So these ornaments are what I've been spending my recent time on. I kept them simple. I used craft felt and embroidery floss and just free-stitched a design on each of them. I made multiples of each one, too, so it went faster once I had the first of each design figured out. The little trees have a bit of batting stuffed in them, but the pointsettia and star looked funny with stuffing, so I skipped it. I really enjoyed this project because I was able to just be creative and enjoy the process, and they stitched up quickly so I had more instant gratification than usual. Next year I hope I have time to do more.
Now it's back to finishing the big project. Has anyone noticed the date? Christmas is on our heels. Eep!
Ooooh! I love these decorations - so cheerful! I must make mine a little earlier next year too :D!
is that japanese characters in black that i see?
Ooh, bookwormbethie, good eye! Yes. I'll blog about it to explain more when it's finished, but you are definitely seeing Japanese characters.
That sounds SO nice! you have such lucky friends!
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